Starlink :

Starlink is a satellite internet constellation being developed by SpaceX giving satellite internet access. The group of stars will comprise thousands of mass-delivered little satellites in the low Earth circle (LEO), working in the mix with ground handsets. SpaceX plans to sell a portion of the satellites for military, logical, or exploratory purposes. The SpaceX satellite advancement office in Redmond, Washington houses the Starlink research, improvement, assembling, and circle control. The expense of the long term venture to configuration, construct, and send the star grouping was assessed by SpaceX in May 2018 to be about US$10 billion.

SpaceX is dispatching Starlink to give high-speed, low-latency broadband network over the globe, including to areas where NET has customarily been excessively costly, questionable, or completely inaccessible "LIKE ALGERIA: Algerie telecom".

Starlink Satellite :

The Starlink satellite plan was driven by the way that they fly at an extremely low orbit contrasted with different communications satellites.

Future Satellites :

SpaceX is focused on making future satellite plans as dark as could be expected under the circumstances. The cutting edge satellite, intended to exploit Starship's remarkable dispatch abilities, will be explicitly intended to limit splendor while additionally expanding the number of buyers that it can present with rapid web access.

For More Info:

Wiki: Starlink.

SpaceX: Starlink.